1/17 Week at a Glance

Happy Birthday to our fabulous tech chair Amos!
Happy Birthday to our fabulous tech chair Amos!

Happy Sunday everyone! Tonight we are closing the sign up for “Let’s Get Coffee”. First matches will be sent out this week so be sure to sign up if you haven’t already!

If you missed it, Kevin also sent out an announcement with all the competitions for this semester so you can add everything to your calendars! If you are planning on going to Arnold, please fill out the interest form so we can go ahead and book hotel rooms. If you are planning on going to Valpo, the deadline to sign up is this Friday.

Here’s this week’s line up:

Monday 1/18

9pm – 11pm: First Newcomer Review Lesson in CCRB 3275

9:30pm – 11:30pm: Open Practice Space at DTS

Tuesday 1/19

10:oopm – 12:00am: Open Practice Space at DTS

Wednesday 1/20

9pm – 12am: Open Practice Space in CCRB 3275

9:30pm-11:30pm: Open Practice Space at DTS

Thursday 1/21

9:00pm – 10:00pm: Newcomer Lesson in CCRB 3275

10:00pm – 12am: CCRB 3275 Open Practice Space

10:00pm – 12am: DTS Open Practice Space

Friday 1/22 

It’s restaurant week. Time to reach out to that special someone and nab a 2 for $15 lunch deal somewhere ;)

12am: Deadline to sign up for Valpo. If you do not express your interest by Friday evening the team will not help you get to and from Valpo….. -_-

Saturday 1/23 

1:00pm – 4:00pm: Open practice space in CCRB 3275

4:30 – 6:30: Free Newcomer Lesson in CCRB 2275. We will have a fabulous lesson from an upper level couple!

7:30pm: GIRLS AND GUYS NIGHT! Sweet deets to be released soon :)

Sunday 1/24

Club will be in the Union Rogel Ballroom. Please do not forget to pick up your blue membership cards from the club desk! These are the fun dances that will be taught:

5-6pm: International Waltz 2
6-7pm: International Cha Cha 3
7-8pm: American Tango 1
8-10pm: Open Dance

On the horizon… 

1. Sunday, February 7th, 10am-1pm: Sweetwaters Waffle Bar Fundraiser! By just flashing the flyer below, our team receives 50% of all waffle sales! Please share our Facebook event to all your friends!














Dancing me









UMBDT President