1/31 Week at a Glance


UMBDT @ Valpo


There’s a LOT going on this week and a LOT of important links in this week’s Week at a Glance!

This week, we:

  • Have VEDance Shoe Vending at DTS
  • Have our Sunday Sweetwaters event
  • Start ballroom office hours up again
  • Start taking apparel orders — deadline this Sunday night
  • Open up “Let’s Get Coffee” for round two so I encourage you all to sign up to meet someone new!

We are also excited to announce that we also have added an Anonymous feedback page in case there is anything that you do not feel comfortable approaching a board member about.

Lastly, a few competition related things. Please be sure to register and then fill out rooms and rides for the OSU competition by this week. For Arnold, please be sure to fill out the interest list and check out this Arnold Partner Search Doc if you’re currently still searching. Newcomers, we have a general partner search document if you’re also still looking!

Here’s this week’s lineup:

Monday 2/1 

9pm – 11pm: Newcomer Review Lesson in CCRB 3275

9:30pm – 11:30pm: Open Practice Space at DTS

Tuesday 2/2

10:00pm – 12:00am: Open Practice Space at DTS and Ballroom Office Hours! Great place to ask an upper level member quick non-technique specific questions.

Wednesday 2/3

9pm – 12am: Open Practice Space in CCRB 3275

9:30pm-11:30pm: Open Practice Space at DTS

Thursday 2/4

9:00pm – 10:00pm: Newcomer Lesson in CCRB 3275

10:00pm – 12am: CCRB 3275 Open Practice Space

10:00pm – 12am: DTS VEDance Shoe Vending!

Friday 2/5

12am: Deadline for round 2 of “Let’s Get Coffee”! I encourage everyone to continue signing up!

Saturday 2/6

2:00pm-4:00pm: Open practice space in CCRB 3275

4:30 pm – 6:30pm: Newcomer lesson in 2275, taught by the fabulous Steve and Susan

12am: Deadline for OSU, be sure to register and then fill out rooms and rides by tonight.

Sunday 2/7

10:00am – 1:00pm: This is the week of our Sweetwaters Waffle Bar Fundraiser! By just saying you’re with UMBDT, our team receives 50% of all waffle sales! Please share our Facebook event to all your friends if you haven’t already! Additionally, we will have music at the top of every half hour so come for a little bit of dancing too!












5:00pm – 10:00pm: Club will be in the Union Rogel Ballroom. Please do not forget to pick up your blue membership cards from the club desk! These are the fun dances that will be taught:

5-6pm: American Rumba 2
6-7pm: International Waltz 3
7-8pm: American Lindy Hop 1
8-10pm: Open Dance

On the horizon… 

Arnold registration and rooms and rides is open.



This Week's Week at a Glance






UMBDT President