Hi Team,
Welcome back to the 13th edition of your 2024 WAG. Everyone is going to have exceptional luck this week. Make sure to stay away from ladders, black cats, broken mirrors, lonely crows, umbrellas inside, and mysterious gifts of clocks. (If you do happen to run into any of these things get Johny to trip you. It works I promise)
Announcements for Everyone:
- End of Semester Party (EOS): We will have our end-of-semester party and potluck on April 27th starting at 7:30pm in North Quad 2435. Sign up to bring something for the potluck here!
- Showcases: If you would like to put on a showcase of your amazing ballroom talent for our team and any friends you can drag along this Thursday, please fill out this form so we can plan accordingly. If we have too many we may split them up onto Sunday as well
- Team superlatives: At EOS, we announce some fun team superlatives (like “most improved” or “most sweaty”). Fill out the form here to vote!
- MichComp Winner’s Raffle: The winners of the raffle are in! If you won stay tuned for a message from Johny, to claim your prize. Now, the winners are:
- Ethan and Annika,
- Marvin and Claire,
- Jason and Luna,
- Gerardo and Andrea
- Nick and Julia
- Senior Sendoffs: To our seniors who are graduating! We’d love to recognize you and your contributions to the team be it for 1 semester, or 10 years at our end of semester celebration. Please fill out this form to nominate someone to give a brief speech to “send you off.”
- Merch Pickup: If you ordered merch and have not received it yet, please email Johny (jonwdan@umich.edu) to arrange a pickup!
- Team Closet Return: Please return anything that you have borrowed from team closet ASAP. You will not be able to attend EOS if you still have team closet stuff. Contact Johny (jonwdan@umich.edu) to arrange a time to drop off the clothes.
- Partner Search Spreadsheet: If you are looking for a partner to practice with, or try out next semester, we have a spreadsheet open! Take a peek if you need someone!
Your candidates for the election at our end of semester party can be found here. Be sure to let me know if you cannot be there to vote in person.
This Week’s Schedule…
Monday 4/15
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Tuesday 4/16
9pm: Date Party at Cantina!
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Wednesday 4/17
10:00 pm-12:00 am: Open Practice at DTS
Thursday 4/18
9-10 pm: Review Lesson in IMSB Multipurpose Room A with Nate and Nicolette
10-11pm: Showcases in IMSB Multipurpose Room A! Tell your friends to come watch you dance!
Friday 4/19
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes” – Mazer Rackham
Saturday 4/20
7pm: Come watch the plays Elizabeth Whitmore and MY AWESOME SISTER are directing in the Keene Theater
Sunday 4/21
Newcomer Lesson: 3-5 pm in IMSB Multipurpose with a surprise mystery guest.
Brevity is the soul of wit.