Hi Team!

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great first week of classes. Thank you to everyone who came to our first two newcomer lessons of the semester, they were so much fun and were filled with so many new faces. Now that it’s September, competition season and tryouts are fast-approaching so try and keep up with all of the important deadlines.

Announcements for Everyone:

  • Themed DTS: There will be themed DTS every Wednesday! This Wednesday is GO BLUE!!! Wear your Michigan merch to celebrate our first football win.
  • Liability Waiver: Please fill out these yearly mandatory liability forms before coming to lessons and DTS! The IMSB liability form is here and the team waiver is here. Everyone needs to fill these out once per year and it does not take long so do them now before you forget! 
  • Showcases: We will be having showcases on September 12th and 19th. If you want to show off your super amazing dance skills, please sign up here by September 18th. This is really helpful for recruiting and we really appreciate it!
  • Tryouts: Tryouts will be happening Sunday, September 22nd from 2-5 pm. There will be no newcomer lesson on the 22nd! I will be sending the forms out in a separate email this week so keep an eye on your inboxes if you are interested in trying out!
  • Competition Interest Form: Please fill out this competition interest form by this Friday, 9/6!
  • Competition Registration: OSU Early Bird pricing ends Saturday, 9/7 and Rooms and Rides is due Friday, 9/20. CMU Early Bird pricing ends Friday, 9/6 and Rooms and Rides is due Friday, 10/4. See Nate’s emails for more information!
  • FlashMob: If you are interested in a flash mob in the next couple of weeks please sign up here by the 7th!
  • JCPenney Suit Up: The University Career Center is working with JCPenney to give special deals on formal wear for UM students on September 15th. If you’re a newcomer lead in need of competition wear, this is a great opportunity. Register here!
  • Partner Search: If you are looking for a new partner for tryouts or to dance with in general, sign up and look here! If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to Johny at jonwdan@umich.edu.
  • OSB/Arnold Dates: The largest competition of the fall semester, Ohio Star Ball, is November 23rd-24th 2024. This is the weekend before Thanksgiving! The largest competition of the winter semester, The Arnold, is March 1st-2nd 2025. This is the first weekend of spring break. Please plan your travel accordingly!
  • Social media Opt-out Form: We’re starting a social media push for the team! If you don’t want to be in social media posts, please fill out this form to flat opt-out (you can always opt back in later, go talk to Anna if that’s the case).
  • Social Events Ideas: We’re planning our social events for this coming semester, and we want your input. If you have any suggestions, please let us know here!

This Week’s Schedule…

Monday 9/2

9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS

Tuesday 9/3

9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS

Wednesday 9/4

10:00 pm-12:00 am: Open Practice at DTS, wear your Go Blue gear!!

Thursday 9/5

NO DTS, go to the Newcomer lesson instead!!

9:00-11:00 pm: Free Newcomer lesson of the semester in the IMSB

Friday 9/6

Enjoy your Friday!

Saturday 9/7

Practice your competition smiles :)

Sunday 9/8

3:00-5:00 pm: Free Newcomer lesson in the IMSB

Special thank you to everyone who helped us with advertising this week, especially at Festifall! Enjoy your second week of classes and remember to make time for yourself before things get too crazy.



MBDT President