Hi Team!
I can’t believe it’s already the third week of classes. The semester is starting to pick up now! Hopefully you’re staying on top of your work better than I am. If you’re like me and you’re starting to feel like the “this is fine” dog, remember to take care of yourself. Make time for some fun things this week. See the announcements for some fun things!
Announcements for Everyone:
- Dues! Remember to pay your dues for this semester! Dues are $65 and can be paid via Venmo @UMBDT (please include your name and uniqname in the message!), or with cash/check to our treasurer Owen Hoffend (ohoffend@umich.edu). If you don’t pay dues you cannot attend lessons, come to parties, practice at DTS, or try out so don’t forget!
- Themed DTS: Themed DTS every Wednesday. This Wednesday’s theme is Go Longhorns! Wear orange!
- Other Practice Spaces: Some great places to practice are the IMSB multi-purpose room A (where we hold lessons) and B (bottom of the stairs). Check here to find a time where the IMSB is not reserved for another group. The ballroom dance club is generally also available for lessons and open practice on Sundays 6-9pm in the Rogel Ballroom in the Union (free for UMBDT dues paying members). Check their schedule here.
- Showcases: We will be having showcases on September 12th and 19th. If you want to show off your super amazing dance skills, please sign up here by September 9th. This is really helpful for recruiting and we really appreciate it!
- Open Party on Saturday 10/14: Clear your schedule for Saturday evening for our first party of the semester! Address and time will be sent later this week. This will be an open party, so feel free to bring your non-dance friends!
- Tryouts: Tryouts will be happening Sunday, September 22nd from 3-5 pm. The room will open at 2 pm for open practice beforehand if you’d like to warm up. There will be no newcomer lesson on the 22nd! The email with the sign-up form has been sent out, if you didn’t receive it please email Nicolette (nmkleinh@umich.edu).
- Competition Registration: OSU Regular pricing ends Saturday, 9/21 and Rooms and Rides is due Friday, 9/20. CMU Regular pricing ends Friday, 10/4 and Rooms and Rides is due Friday, 10/4. See Nate’s emails for more information!
- JCPenney Suit Up: The University Career Center is working with JCPenney to give special deals on formal wear for UM students on September 15th. If you’re a newcomer lead in need of competition wear, this is a great opportunity. Register here!
- Partner Search: If you are looking for a new partner for tryouts or to dance with in general, sign up and look here! If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to Johny at jonwdan@umich.edu.
- FlashMob: If you are interested in a flash mob soon, please sign up here by the 11th!
- Social media Opt-out Form: We’re starting a social media push for the team! If you don’t want to be in social media posts, please fill out this form to flat opt-out (you can always opt back in later, go talk to Anna if that’s the case).
- Social Events Ideas: We’re planning our social events for this coming semester, and we want your input. If you have any suggestions, please let us know here!
- Liability Waiver: Please fill out these yearly mandatory liability forms before coming to lessons and DTS! The IMSB liability form is here and the team waiver is here. Everyone needs to fill these out once per year and it does not take long so do them now before you forget!
This Week’s Schedule…
Monday 9/9
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Tuesday 9/10
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Wednesday 9/11
10:00 pm-12:00 am: Open Practice at DTS, wear orange i guess :(
Thursday 9/12
NO DTS, go to the Newcomer lesson instead!!
9:00-11:00 pm: Free Newcomer lesson of the semester in the IMSB
Friday 9/13
Work on taking big steps in standard!
Saturday 9/14
Come party with us!
Sunday 9/15
3:00-5:00 pm: Free Newcomer lesson in the IMSB
Shout out to Juliana for being so enthusiastic about my emails! It makes me smile :) I’m going to go do homework, which does not make me smile. Please send me memes this week to counteract the homework, bonus points if they’re ballroom related!
MBDT President