Hi Team!
Happy Sunday! We’ve finally reached the last WAG of the semester! I hope you’re all getting through your finals and looking forward to a well-deserved break (I know I am!).
Announcements for Everyone:
- Tryouts: Winter semester tryouts will happen on January 18th at 2 pm. There will be a form going out next semester to sign up along with a document of important information about the tryout teams. You need a partner to try out. If you don’t have a partner, we have a partner search sheet for tryouts here!
- W24 Competition Schedule: Check here for the dates of the competitions we’ll be attending next semester
- Pie Baking Social: Be on the lookout for a message from Johny about possible times later this week and next week.
- Salto Dance Company Showcase: The Salto Dance Company has kindly invited members of our team to showcase at their annual holiday “Dance the Halls” performance. This event is on December 14th at 7 pm in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the League and is free for students to attend with Passport to the Arts. If you’d like to support your teammates and enjoy the show, grab a ticket!
- Flashmob Sign Ups: We will be doing a flashmob next semester to help recruit new members! If you are interested, sign up here! The choreo will be made in the coming weeks and sent out before the start of the semester.
- Recruitment Helpers: If you want to help the team grow, sign up here! We will be working together to help flier and put up posters around campus.
- Themed DTS: Themed DTS every Wednesday. This Wednesday’s theme is happy holidays! Wear the colors, hats, sweaters, etc of whatever holiday you celebrate!
- Michcomp Committee Form: Every year we host our own competition Michcomp! Anyone who would like to work with your fellow teammates and make our competition smooth and fun for everyone fill out the form here.
- Other Practice Spaces: IMSB room schedule here. The Ballroom Dance Club lesson/open dance schedule here.
- Liability Waiver: Please fill out these yearly mandatory liability forms before coming to lessons and DTS! The IMSB liability form is here and the team waiver is here. Everyone needs to fill these out once per year and it does not take long so do them now before you forget!
This Week’s Schedule…
Monday 12/9
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Tuesday 12/10
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Wednesday 12/11
10 pm: Holiday gift exchange at DTS!
10 pm-12 am: Open Practice at DTS, wear your festive clothes!
Thursday 12/12
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Friday 12/13
Practice some self-care between study sessions!
Saturday 12/14
7 pm: Salto Dance Company End of Semester Showcase
Sunday 12/15
Get good rest, you deserve it!
Thank you all so much for such a wonderful semester. It’s been a pleasure being this team’s President, and I can’t wait for all of the exciting things that will happen in the winter once we’re back. If you need anything at all, even over break, please reach out to me! I’m happy to help however I can :)
MBDT President