Hi Team!
Happy Sunday and happy first WAG of the semester! Today, Alan and Emma taught the Cha Cha, Foxtrot, and Swing at our first free lesson of the semester! There are still 3 free lessons left so don’t forget to bring your friends.
Announcements for Everyone:
- Tryouts: Winter semester tryouts will happen on January 18th at 2 pm. Nicolette sent out a separate email with tryout information already, if you did not receive that please let her know! If you are trying out, you need to fill in the form and pay your dues by Wednesday 1/15. You need a partner to try out. If you don’t have a partner, we have a partner search sheet for tryouts here!
- W25 Dues: Dues this semester are $65, just like last semester! Your dues payment gets you access to lessons two times a week at the IMSB on Thursdays and Sundays, practice space at DTS four times a week (Monday through Thursday in the evenings), the ability to travel with the team to competitions, as well as access to all of our amazing social events. To pay dues, you can Venmo us @UMBDT (preferred), pay Owen in cash/check, or Paypal (least preferred).
- Post-Tryout Bar Crawl: We will be having another bar crawl this semester after tryouts! It’ll be at South University this time. The list of bars can be found here. We will update as we move bars.
- Winterfest: We have a booth at Winterfest in the Idea Hub at table 2 on Monday the 13th. If you want to help and flier, please sign up for a time slot here!
- Recruitment Helpers: If you want to help the team grow, sign up here! We will be working together to help flier and put up posters around campus.
- Showcases: We will be having showcases on the last free newcomer lesson, Thursday the 23rd. If you want to help recruit by showing off your moves, sign up here and send Johny your music by Sunday the 19th!
- W25 Competition Schedule: Check here for the dates of the competitions we’ll be attending next semester
- Themed DTS: Themed DTS every Wednesday. This Wednesday’s theme is welcome back to Michigan Ballroom! Wear your UMich gear, ballroom merch, etc!
- Michcomp Committee Form: Every year we host our own competition Michcomp! Anyone who would like to work with your fellow teammates and make our competition smooth and fun for everyone fill out the form here.
- Social Suggestions: We are planning out the social events for this semester! Please fill out this form with any suggestions!
- Feedback Form: Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the team? We want to hear from you! Let us know by talking to a board member or by using the team’s anonymous feedback form on our website. Anything you report to us is 100% confidential.
- Other Practice Spaces: IMSB room schedule here. The Ballroom Dance Club lesson/open dance schedule here.
- Liability Waiver: Please fill out these yearly mandatory liability forms before coming to lessons and DTS! The IMSB liability form is here and the team waiver is here. Everyone needs to fill these out once per year and it does not take long so do them now before you forget!
This Week’s Schedule…
Monday 1/13
4-7 pm: Winterfest Tabling at IdeaHub table 2
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Tuesday 1/14
9:30-11:30 pm: Open Practice at DTS
Wednesday 1/15
10 pm-12 am: Open Practice at DTS, wear your umich and/or ballroom gear!
Thursday 1/16
9-11 pm: Free Newcomer Lesson at the IMSB! No DTS
Friday 1/17
Practice your big smiles for tryouts!
Saturday 1/18
1 pm: Pre-Tryout warmups in IMSB MPR A
2-4 pm: Tryouts in IMSB MPR A
Sunday 1/19
3-5 pm: Free newcomer lesson!!!
6-9 pm: Samba lesson from Jasper and Alison at Ballroom Club
Thank you all so much for coming to the first lesson of the semester, I can’t wait to see you all at the next one! As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
MBDT President